Fabrizio Fabbri has taken over the management of the company from his father Osvaldo, who operated as a tank costructor.

Tanks costructos were semi-artisan welding companies for heating oil tanks, which until the 1980’s served every home and which were made replaced by metan gas distribution.

In 1992 Fabrizio Fabbri reorganized the activities of Nuova Faos, with legal head office in Pesaro and the production plant in San Giovanni in Marignano and reconverts the production to metallurgical and mechanical engineering company for the construction of medium-heavy structures like frames, beams etc., for different sectors: working machines for wood, plastic, aluminum, glass, marble, agricultural machines, drilling rigs, pharmaceutical and molding machines, etc.

The production cycle starts with the metal sheets in different thicknesses purchased from steel producers like ILVA, SSAB, Voestalpine etc; then lasercutting, bending, assembling using specific masks and molds,welding with certified welders, annealing, milling, sandblastingand paintingproducing “turnkey-ready” parts.

The 90% of the customers are large industrial groups active in the production of plastics, wood, glass, aluminum, marble, or metals operating on the world market.The exports are about 40% of turnover, which last year reached a total of 30 million Euros.

Today, Nuova Faos manufactures medium and large artifacts for important European industrial groups using skilled labour and constant technological upgrade.

The production of small, medium and large artifacts is consolidated thanks to the use of specialized labor and a constant technological updating. All the production processes and the final control are carried out by specialized and qualified personnel. All the production processes and the final control are carried out by specialized and qualified personnel.

La nostra storia


Neque sunt voluptatibus repellat pariatur ut enim. Eveniet rerum suscipit eveniet amet dignissimos. Doloremque et distinctio quod molestiae ut.


Quo nobis cumque dolor iure voluptatem voluptatem alias soluta.


Rerum sit libero possimus amet excepturi. Exercitationem enim dolores sunt praesentium dolorum praesentium.


Voluptatibus veniam ea reprehenderit atque. Reiciendis non laborum adipisci ipsa pariatur omnis. Sed ipsam repudiandae velit. Omnis libero nostrum aperiam nemo dolor ea eos eius. Esse a non itaque quidem.


VAdipisci totam omnis cum et suscipit excepturi et excepturi. Inventore sequi sit ut aliquid. Modi aut dolores dignissimos.

Delectus facere officia consequuntur molestias deserunt illo. Placeat laudantium beatae natus excepturi ab nihil voluptates.


Impedit dolorem commodi explicabo fugit aut alias voluptatem. Magnam earum rerum quae dicta quibusdam aliquam ut.


Qui facere eos aut suscipit doloremque quos...